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Objave koje je lukap123 objavio

  1. Zamislimo da neka firma ima ESOP plan definiran kao. Znam da postoji otkaz ugovora u radu i sporazumni ugovor. Zašto u ovom hipotetskom ugovoru stoji da je "Good Reason" samo slučaj "sporazumnog" (mutual) dogovora, ili sam ja barem tako razumio. Problem je što u sporazumnom otkazu stoji da netko nema dodatnih potraživanja od strane poslodavca, niti da ih može tužiti. Što nije u redu da je tako napisano jer ispada da u slučaju kada firma izađe na tržište da radnik ne može tražiti nešto što je već jednim djelom vestao. 

    It shall be considered that the termination of a Participant's employment was for a Good Reason if it occurred through mutual agreement between the Employee and the Company or an Affiliated company, or if the termination was initiated by the Company, an Affiliated company, or the Employee for reasons deemed justifiable (redoviti otkaz ugovora o radu) as per Article 115 of the Croatian Labor Act. However, this classification does not apply if the termination resulted from the Employee's misconduct, as defined in Article 115 Para 1 Section 3 (otkaz uvjetovan skrivljenim ponašanjem radnika). Furthermore, termination of a Participant's employment shall also be deemed for a Good Reason if it ceased due to the fulfillment of retirement conditions outlined in Article 33 (starosna mirovina) or Articles 34 and 35 (prijevremena starosna mirovina) of the Croatian Pension Insurance Act. If foreign law governs the employment relationship between an Eligible Employee and the Company/Affiliated Company, Termination for a Good reason shall encompass any termination equivalent to the aforementioned types, as defined by the applicable law.

    Upon Termination of the Participant's employment for Good Reason, the Participant shall retain rights and obligations related to the Proportional Part of the Participant's Option, regardless of the employment termination. Accordingly, the Rounding rule outlined in Rule x.x.x. and x.x.x. shall be applicable to such Proportional Part of the Option.


    A Proportional Part of an Option denotes 25% (twenty-five percent) of an Option for each year fully elapsed between the Date of Grant and the date of employment termination, capped at 100% (hundred percent) of an Option. This amount is reduced by the percentage of the Option that has previously vested, has vested and was exercised by the Participant, or has lapsed or was forfeited by the Participant.

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