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  1. Hello everyone! I am a 33 year old lawyer (f) from Brazil living in Zagreb for 2 years. I had established plans when I moved here, but ended up stuck in kitchen jobs. My goal was to validate my diploma while working in any other field just so I could pay the bills and also the University fees. Unfortunately I couldn't find any Office Job and only received feedbacks from restaurants I applied. All the other "better" jobs answered that was impossible for them to hire foreigners without European papers (passport) and the only places to do so were bars and restaurants. The problem is that with the payment of a kitchen helper I can barely make it to live, it's impossible to pay for university fees, books, etc. I worked as a lawyer in Brazil for 4 years, have 2 specializations, the first in Tax law and the second in Labour law. I speak fluent English, Portuguese and can understand some Spanish. I'm writing here to ask for advice from you. Is there any possibility for me to find a better job, that pays me enough to live and study? With my background, what positions should I be applying for? I don't mean a lawyer right now, but any job that makes my plans possible, greater if it could be an office job. Something that I don't have to use body strength, but mental instead. I love to write and to read, use my brain and find solutions. I have never worked in manual work before and my body is just not ready to start it after the 30's, it's being painful and frustrating, so all I wish is to find an office job. If anyone here can help me and bring light to my path, showing me what can I search in Zagreb that will help me to achieve my goals, please tell me. Thank you very much.
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